Estate Planning & Deceased Estates

Estate Planning & Deceased Estates

Estate Planning & Deceased Estates

Don’t be one of the 60 per cent of Australians who do not have a valid Last Will and Testament. The team at Lynn & Brown Lawyers can help you to prepare a Will so that in the event of your death, your estate will go to the people you want to provide for.

Your Last Will and Testament is an important document. It contains your instructions as to what is to happen with all of your property including real estate and personal property (collectively called your “estate”) once you pass away. It is also your opportunity to express your wishes on matters that may affect your family should you pass away. The preparation of a Will requires the consideration of several key issues.

For example:

  • Who do you need to provide for?
  • How will your estate be divided?
  • Who would you like to be responsible for your children?

Another important consideration is who you appoint as the executor of your Will. An executor is the person who will be responsible for carrying out the instructions you have put in your Will. Your executor is also responsible for ensuring that any debts owed by you are paid once you pass away.

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How We Can Help You

  • If you need a Will, or to review a current Will, we will work with you to ensure your assets will be left to who you intend
  • We can help you understand your obligations if you find yourself managing a deceased estate
  • We can help to prepare an Enduring Power of Attorney, or an Enduring Power of Guardianship or an Advanced Health Directive
  • We can provide advice on how to create a succession plan for your business

View our Fact Sheets for more information.

Estate Planning & Deceased Estates



If through illness or accident, you lose the capacity to make decisions for yourself…


Will Preparation

A written declaration whereby you appoint an Executor to administer your estate…

Will Preparation


If a person dies intestate, the intestacy legislation determines the distribution of…



The Executor is responsible for the proper finalisation of the expenses of the estate…


Disputed Estates

Certain persons, such as spouses, de facto partners, children, grandchildren…

Disputed Estates

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Frequently Asked Questions

When can a director be held personally liable for company debt?
What happens if there is a breach of contract?

It will depend on the contract and the nature of the breach. Some contractual breaches are considered to be material breaches that will give a right to termination and damages. Some breaches will require you to issue the other party with a notice giving them a right to rectify the breach. If the breach is not rectified, then the contract can usually be terminated, and damages sought. Each contract is different, and we always suggest seeking legal advice before taking precipitous action.

How do you make a contract legally binding?

A contract requires fundamental factors to be a valid contract:

  • An offer;
  • Acceptance;
  • Consideration;
  • Intention to enter into a legally binding arrangement.
What should you consider before purchasing or selling a business?

An agreement to buy and sell a business can be formed in a multitude of different ways. You should have thoroughly reviewed the financial history of the business and ensure appropriate warranties and guarantee are in place. You should also ensure the seller is restrained from competing with you in the future, that all plant and equipment is unencumbered and is in full working order and that customers will come across to you. Don’t sign anything before speaking to a lawyer.

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How do you choose the right business structure for your business?

If you are thinking of starting a business, you will need to consider the different business structures available to you and work out which structure will best suit your needs. In Australia, businesses are commonly structured as sole traders, companies, partnerships, discretionary trusts and unit trusts. It is important to seek professional advice (from a lawyer or accountant) before deciding which business structure to use.

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What happens when a company goes into administration?

If a company becomes insolvent, it will need to go into administration. Voluntary administration occurs when the directors of a company decide to appoint an administrator to take control of the company. A qualified insolvency practitioner will be appointed to ‘take over’ the company in an effort to investigate it and potentially save it.

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Fact Sheets

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