Lynn & Brown Lawyers – Perth, Morley and Ellenbrook
Our experienced Family Law team will be able to assist you in applying for a divorce, as well as other
aspects of divorce such as arrangements for your children, spousal maintenance and property settlements.
A divorce is the legal termination of a marriage. Applying for a divorce order and then obtaining this order from the Family Court means that your marriage has ended and you are free to remarry should you wish to.
For the Court to approve a divorce application, you must prove that you and your spouse have been separated for 12 months, that the marriage has irretrievably broken down and that there is no chance you will reconcile. A divorce order does not split your assets and belongings and it also does not determine who the children will live with or spend time with. It does, however, set time limits for a property setttlement.
If you would like further advice please don’t hesitate to contact us to make an appointment. For
more information, please read our fact-sheet about divorce application in Perth.
Want to get started with your divorce application?
Our secure online platform is an easy way to get started on your Family Law matter with the Perth-local family law team at Lynn & Brown Lawyers. Answer a few simple questions to generate a personalised family law pathway that will help you prepare for a productive discussion with one of our expert lawyers.