
Have Questions About Pricing?

Contact our friendly team for a chat about how our pricing works.

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Agreed Fixed Pricing

If you value certainty, transparency and clarity in the pricing of your legal services, then you are at the right place with Lynn & Brown Lawyers.

Whilst most law firms charge by time, we believe it is fairer, to you the client, to agree with you on a fixed price for an agreed scope of work before we start work on your matter.

In all of our areas of practice, we provide our clients with a fixed price proposal and obtain our client’s agreement with that before we commence work.

An integral part of this process is our initial meeting with you. At this meeting, we will listen closely to your needs and what your desired outcome is. If both you and ourselves are satisfied that we can work together towards your goals, we will develop a strategy to move towards that outcome with a proposed fixed price for our services. Upon your agreement with that pricing proposal, we will commence work. We will then be held to that agreed fixed price for the agreed scope of work.

What we don’t do

  • No hourly rates: We believe this can promote inefficiencies and delays.
  • No estimates or ranges: Our agreed price will not change if the scope of work doesn’t change.
  • No hidden extras: No extras for copying, printing, mail etc.

Benefits to fixed pricing

  • We share the risk on pricing with you.
  • Price certainty: Our proposal will set out exactly what you have to pay and when, this will allow you to budget for your legal expenses and there will never be a surprise bill.
  • Transparency: Clarity over costs which have been agreed up front.
  • Timely outcomes: We value your need for a swift and positive resolution to your matter.
  • Collaboration: Involving our clients in the legal process, giving you greater control.
  • Your lawyer has a real incentive to get the agreed scope of work completed in a timely manner because that is when we get paid.
  • Better communication: You will not be charged for every phone call made or every email sent. The agreed price includes all of that. You can pick up the phone and speak with your lawyer without fear of extra charges.
  • We don’t waste your time on us entering time on a timesheet or monitoring the length of each phone call. We spend our time working to achieve the outcomes we have agreed with you.

Whilst we cannot guarantee the outcomes, we guarantee that our service will be of high quality. The team at Lynn & Brown Lawyers values our close working relationships with our clients.

Our Price & Service Guarantee to you

Service Guarantee

Our work is guaranteed to the complete satisfaction of our clients. If you are not satisfied with the services of Lynn & Brown Lawyers Pty Ltd we will either refund the price or accept a portion of the price that reflects your level of value received. Upon receipt of each of your scheduled payments or within seven days of receipt of your invoice, we will deem you have been satisfied.

Price Guarantee

Furthermore, if you ever receive an invoice without first authorising the service, payment terms, and price, you are not obligated to pay for that service.

We can find a solution for you.