June 15 is the United Nations internationally recognised World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. With an increasingly aging population elder abuse is predicted to increase and...
SAT applications for guardianship and administration You may have heard about documents called an enduring power of guardianship and enduring power of administration. They are...
What is credit history? The legislation that governs credit history and credit reports in Australia is the Privacy Act 1988. According to section 6N...
Co-founder of the controversial website Wikileaks, Julian Assange, has been all over the news recently following his arrest at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. The...
Separating from a partner often causes significant emotional and financial stress. This is further heightened when there are children are involved, and the separating...
Revenge Porn Laws passed in WA Parliament On the 19th February, The Criminal Law Amendment (Intimate Images) Bill 2018 was passed making the non-consensual distribution...