
The school holidays can be a volatile time for separated couples when dealing with school aged children – who should they spend their time with?...

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The Fair Work Commission (FWC) has recently updated 112 modern workplace awards with changes to annual leave terms. Employees covered by most Australian workplace awards...

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Surrogacy is a form of assisted reproduction where a woman carries a child on behalf of someone. It is a complex area of law governed...

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On Sunday, 14 August 2016, some of the Lynn & Brown team participated in the Western Mudd Rush at the State Equestrian Centre in Brigadoon,...

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There are many ways in which to revoke an existing Will. The most obvious one would be to tear the signed original Will, not the...

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A Shareholders Agreement is a written agreement between the shareholders of a company. It is a common practice in closely held private companies. These companies...

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A company registered under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (“Act”) is treated as being a legal person.  This means it has the right to own...

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In 2015 over 15,000 Western Australian drivers dodged fines and demerit points for various driving offences because they were in vehicles registered to companies and...

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A fundamental decision when starting a business is choosing a business structure. The most common types of business structures in Australia are: Discretionary trusts Unit...

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Shopfront WA is a service that is run predominantly by a team of volunteers. These volunteers spend their time to relieve poverty and suffering by...

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It’s remarkable that less than half of adult Australians have valid up to date Wills in place – one thing is certain – we are...

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When you spend time and money creating the business of your dreams, do you stop to think about what will happen when you no longer...

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