
Do you have teenage kids? Are you aware of their texting habits? Would you know if your child has sent or received sexually explicit content?...

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Essentially, e-Divorces are a digital means of undertaking divorce and family court proceedings. This is intended to create a shift from traditional proceedings that are...

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In 2016, ride-sharing giant Uber settled a government investigation into its implementation and use of a system setting known as “God View”. God View was...

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Even if you are not working in Canberra, this may be important for you to read! In light of the recent Barnaby Joyce relationship scandal,...

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What is corporate manslaughter? Manslaughter is ultimately the crime of killing a person in circumstances that do not amount to murder. Put simply, it is...

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With today’s busy lifestyles and work pressures, many employees feel stressed at some time during their employment.  This means that employers should understand their legal...

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Did you know that your property can be frozen or confiscated by the police even if you are not charged or convicted of any crime?...

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You would think in Australian employment there would be a zero tolerance policy towards drug and alcohol in the workplace.  While this may be the...

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An employee’s temporary absence from work is seldom problematic for employers. Section 352 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) specifies that employment should not...

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Same sex marriages – what are some implications? Some would argue that the legislation that passed through the Federal government allowing same sex marriages has...

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New Laws of 2018 Safe Passing of Cyclists Starting on the 30th November 2017, new laws were introduced in WA that require drivers to leave...

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The festive season is upon us – bringing with it family, friends, champagne breakfasts and beers by the pool. Unfortunately, those extra alcoholic drinks over...

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