
I can almost hear your eyeballs roll – Christmas already??   It is important to ensure that things are in place early for separated parents. ...

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A recent case in the Federal Court of Australia in which Stone & Wood Group unsuccessfully claimed that Elixir had passed off their product, is...

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Ever wondered how a student might get to feel what it’s like to run a trial, without having to get a law degree first?  The...

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In June 2018, the Australian High Court granted Milorad “Michael” Trkulja the right to sue search engine giant Google for defamation.   Background In 2012...

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Are you an entrepreneur? Are you thinking about starting up your own business? With Perth being coined the next Silicon Valley, you may want to...

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The ongoing Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry has commenced its fifth round of hearings this week. As a...

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Where the Family Court makes an Order that parents have equal shared parental responsibility for a child, the Family Law Act/Family Court Act directs that...

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Over 46,000 divorces were registered in Australia in 2016, and of those almost 50% of the separating couples had children under the age of 18....

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As Fathers’ Day approaches on the 2 September 2018, we hope to help Fathers, and particularly FIFO Fathers, in navigating the WA Family Law system....

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The Western Australian Parliament has introduced a new type of violence restraining order in Western Australia, being a Family Violence Restraining Order (“FVRO”).  The Family...

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Plastic bag ban From July 1, WA has banned single-use, lightweight plastic bags from major retailers. Retailers will no longer be able to supply single-use lightweight...

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Last month, both houses of parliament united in the pursuit to make our roads a safer place by passing new legislation referred to as “Charlotte’s...

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