
  With every New Year, we often experience changes in many different areas of our lives. One area that you may not have thought about,...

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The mystery disappearance of Lynette Dawson in January 1982 has been brought back into the public eye following the release of the Teacher’s Pet podcast....

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There is a common misconception that once children reach a certain age (e.g. at around age 12), they are able to determine which of their...

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  Twelve Days of Christmas Christmas means so many different things to different people, but there are some things that are good for us all...

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Presently Western Australia de facto couples are the only couples in Australia who are unable to divide superannuation following the breakdown of a relationship. This...

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Business Succession Planning is a documented strategy to determine the best way for you to exit your business while ensuring the continuity of the business...

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On 15 November 2017 Australia learnt the result of the same-sex marriage postal survey – a resounding YES!  The federal parliament didn’t take much time...

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How did we get here and where to from here? The ongoing Royal Commission into the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry has uncovered some...

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  Debt Collection During the lead-up to the holiday season, many businesses have accrued debts that remain unpaid. Taking care to organise and finalise these...

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Finding out that you have been named as the executor of someone’s Will can be daunting and overwhelming. As an executor, you are responsible for...

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By now all Australians will be familiar with the ongoing revelations from the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry. ...

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Cryptocurrency is becoming a popular way to store wealth – it’s anonymous, doesn’t require a bank and therefore usually has low fees. If you own...

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