
  This is a question you need to ask yourself if you’re becoming involved in legal proceedings. Your lawyer will know the law that applies...

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On average, one women is murdered by her current or former partner every week in Australia.   Intimate partner violence is also a leading contributor...

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  Separating from a partner often causes significant emotional and financial stress. This is further heightened when there are children are involved, and the separating...

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You know your ex very well, good and bad, but their new partner is probably a stranger to you. There is no greater trust than...

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Can my former partner get part of my inheritance? Or – will my inheritance be protected if I divorce? The short answer to these questions...

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Revenge Porn Laws passed in WA Parliament On the 19th February, The Criminal Law Amendment (Intimate Images) Bill 2018 was passed making the non-consensual distribution...

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The PPSR is seven years old:  Are you still protected?   The Personal Property Security Register (“PPSR”) commenced on 30 January 2012. It was created...

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It’s completed, but will we see real change?   After its establishment on 14 December 2017, the Royal Commission into the Banking, Superannuation and Financial...

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Do you have a loan from your company? Change may be coming. Division 7A of the Tax Assessment Act 1936 aims to prevent companies from...

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Most Australians would not be familiar with the capital gains tax (“CGT”) event K3.  Any such readers can be forgiven for this, as the arcane...

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It can be difficult to know what to do when someone dies. See below for a simplified flowchart of the main steps you may come...

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  What a great year 2018 has been for us here at Lynn and Brown Lawyers! We look back at your favourite articles for last...

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