
Do I have to support my ex-partner?   In certain circumstances, the Family Court may order a person to financially support their ex-partner after separation....

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Are you keeping your clients’ data safe? If not, what are the consequences? In the past month, both Westpac and the Australian National University’s databases...

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Historically, society has interpreted the role of the sperm donor to be one clearly limited to the process of artificial conception.  Following this assumption, the...

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THE VOLLER CASE The recent case of Voller v Nationwide News Pty Ltd; Voller v Fairfax Media Publications Pty Ltd; Voller v Australian News Channel...

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  Many West Australians will be familiar with the Blue Cow Cheese Company Pty Ltd (“Blue Cow”).  It was established in 1998 in Belmont with...

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Emojis – with approximately 9 million Australians using them, they’re almost impossible to avoid. In fact, as of 2016, the ‘tears of laughter smiling face’...

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** For your safety, please note that if you need to close this window quickly, you can press ctrl + W on your keyboard. Alternatively,...

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June 15 is the United Nations internationally recognised World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.  With an increasingly aging population elder abuse is predicted to increase and...

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SAT applications for guardianship and administration You may have heard about documents called an enduring power of guardianship and enduring power of administration. They are...

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  What is credit history? The legislation that governs credit history and credit reports in Australia is the Privacy Act 1988. According to section 6N...

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  The title to this article is a question we regularly get asked when we’re approached by clients to recover a debt due to them....

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Co-founder of the controversial website Wikileaks, Julian Assange, has been all over the news recently following his arrest at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. The...

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