Take a look at just a small sample of some of the most ludicrous laws from around the world most of which are still in existence today!
- In Victoria, Australia only a licensed electrician is allowed to change a light bulb.
- In Michigan in the US, it is illegal for a woman to cut her hair without her husband’s permission.
- In Hong Kong, there’s a law that allows a wife to kill her husband if she finds him cheating. However, she must kill him with her bare hands!
- Kentucky, USA: It is illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your pocket.
- Mesquite, Texas: Young people are not allowed to get haircuts that are ‘startling or unusual’.
- Avignon, France: It is illegal for a flying saucer to land in the city.
- Athens, Greece: A driver’s licence can be taken away if the driver is deemed either unbathed or poorly dressed.
- Paraguay: Duelling is permitted as long as both people are registered blood donors.
- In Iowa, it is illegal for a man with a moustache to kiss a woman in public.
- And finally, it is illegal to die in the British Houses of Parliament.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!
Sourced from: http://slappedham.com/20-ridiculous-laws-around-world/; http://thoughtcatalog.com/rachel-hodin/2013/10/67-ridiculous-laws-from-around-the-world-that-still-actually-exist/ and 1001 Cool Freaky Facts, Hinkler Books, 2013.